Monday, May 5, 2014

Hey all,


What a great week as usual. A week in the service of the lord is always a good one. If hope all had a good Easter yesterday. It was a great day for us as well the ward made us really feels loved and there were a lot of families that had us over and really made us feel like family. It’s a great day to be with family and remember the wonderful thing that the savior has done for us and made possible for us. What is even better is that we don’t have to just remember that or celebrate it on that one day we can take it each and every day and celebrate every single day of our savior Jesus Christ. 


I went on exchange with the Spanish elders this last week and that was way fun. I got to go and teach me some Spanish. Ha-ha yeah i don’t speak Spanish at all. And i learned that even more so on that exchange. I learned how to say "hi how are you?" and "we are missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. do you have a faith in Jesus Christ?" so i would go up and say that and then i would literally take a step back and point at the Spanish missionary and he would take over and i would be lost as to what was going on. Ha-ha it was way fun i loved it except for the fact that i got told that i was the whitest person they had ever seen. I got told that a couple times and that hit my heart deep. Almost cried. We were literally tracting in the hood too. Like that is what the road was named. Ha-ha


We had met with this family that actually requested us from last week. and we had another appointment this week so we went and met with them this week and we had a plan as to what we were going to teach them and the entire day elder Bartholomew and i were talking about alma 32 and i couldn’t get it out of my mind and so we go to this lesson that night and we start talking with her and her family and she starts asking about faith and what it is and how she can strengthen it and so we flipped up to alma 32 since that is exactly what that chapter is on and were able to answer all her questions and it went so well. the last time we were there her husband was there just in the background doing something else and not really interested and we taught the restoration and i guess he was listening because when we came back this last week he was there on the couch and participating and even read with us and was way excited to have us there. and they have this 9 year old kid who refuses to read out loud because he can barely read and starts to stutter way bad when he reads but we didn’t know so we asked him to read a verse and he read it perfectly clearly and without stuttering and his parents were freaking out and so happy. They almost didn’t believe it. It was so cool to see so many miracles happen in such a short time throughout that day. The lord is there and he is working miracles in each of us every day. 


Well. I love you all!! Stay classy. Be safe. 

His Grace is Sufficient for all.


Love Elder Trevor Ross

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